What image do you think of when the subject of fitness is brought up? Do you envision going to the gym, hopping onto a cardio machine, and zoning out for the next hour. Or perhaps you’re more of a Monday is Chest/Shoulders Tuesday is Back/Biceps kind of person. While either approach is effective and may be satisfactory for some, others will count every painful minute until it’s over or worse, quit due to boredom or lack of results.
Now I’m not saying having a structured gym routine is wrong, it should be part of the process…just not the entire process! What I am suggesting is adding some unstructured, “play-like” workouts into the mix. Remember when you were young and played pickup games of basketball, rode your bike, played tag or participated in other fun games that had you running, jumping, and actually enjoying yourself? Play was great, and it also kept us in shape without realizing it. These same games were great for improving agility, increasing speed and reaction time and were mentally engaging. We can use this approach for our fitness routine as well. A great way of doing it is by incorporating a workout each week that centers around fitness games/drills. Not only are they fun, but they are very challenging fitness wise as well. And the best part? They give you something to look forward to, keep you consistent, and have you feeling like a kid again. So grab a workout partner and enjoy a blast from the past with these games and drills!
Crab Race: Set up two cones approximately 10 yards apart. Begin in the crab position (See Photo). For one minute using your hands and legs, crab crawl down and back between the cones as many times as you can within the time limit. Switch partners and repeat. The person who accumulates the most distance wins the round. Or as a second option, make it a race and go simultaneously with your workout partner. Perform 1-3 rounds total.
Shadow Drill: Set up two cones approximately 5 yards apart with your partner standing at the mid-point between the cones facing each other. One will start off as leader while the other follows. Using a lateral shuffle, the leader’s goal is to outmaneuver (i.e. juke) the follower for 15-20 seconds. The follower tries to shadow and match the leaders every move. Rest for 20-60 seconds, switch rolls and repeat. Perform 1-3 sets total.
Pulling Drill: This drill requires either a rope or a rolled up towel. Set up two cones approximately 10 yards apart and begin the drill at one end. Both partners will hold the ends of the rope with both hands. The person whose back is facing the cone at the opposite end begins by pulling and dragging their partner towards the other end. The person facing the cone at the opposite end is providing strong resistance, but allowing their partner to move. Switch rolls once you reach the other end and repeat to complete the first set. Perform 1-3 sets total.
Farmer Walk Race: Set up two cones approximately 10 yards apart. Each participant will need a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. Weight selection depends on your level of strength/fitness. Generally 15-35 lbs. for females and 35-55 lbs. for males. More or less can be used, adjust accordingly. The drill begins with each participant holding their
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